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Gulf Shores, Alabama, United States

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Dr. Alice Christie.org

On Dr. Christie's website I explored the Google Earth Resource Guide section. She's absolutely right about using Dr. Alice Christie.orgGoogleEarth in the classroom. When I was younger I believe I wasn't as interested in learning as much because I wasn't aware of the significance of what I was being taught. We would learn about the Revolutionary War or the Fall of the Roman Empire but none of it was put into perspective for me. When I'm a teacher, I would love to use GoogleEarth to show my students different regions of the world and our country, for them to better understand the impacts that these people and events that we learn about have had on our world and society. I look forward to exploring all of Dr. Christie's website more thouroughly and printing copies of her lessons using GoogleEarth like Measuring Using The GoogleEarth Ruler Tool .

1 comment:

  1. We will do a project with Google Earth. Dr. Christie's will be helpful.
